Monday, April 16, 2007

I wish people sang karaoke while playing DDR…someone please invent this!!! Friday, December 22, 2006 - Current mood: Hippity Hoppity Happy

Transitional would be the best way to describe my 2006. An internship, multiple jobs, lots of socializing, and some adventures and excursions in between. 2006 saw the birth of and M.Editrix, and my contribution to, all projects I'm very happy to be involved in. Met a lot of interesting people, and made some great friends too. Mastered the self portrait, spring roll rolling, and flea market bargaining. Learned how to use a video camera, how to cut video, and about Google's internal site evaluation criteria and techniques. Discovered the Youtube, DHC Cosmetics, and Netflix, which have been life altering for me. Flats were introduced to my wardrobe, and silver was allowed back in it as well, so it has been a year of many, many cha-cha-cha changes!!!

So Liz's and Noel's party dress and stunna shades pizza karaoke b-day bash at Do-re-Mi last night was insanely way too much fun. Some highlights of the night included: Liz working Missy Elliot, Errico's and Reina's singing, Jessica's Kylie Minogue dance moves, Rob's very wild pink air guitar solo, me borrowing Danny's party dress, somehow ending up at someone else's karaoke dance party, then closing down the Mint with the group rocking out to Def Leppard…Was the best time, I'm still beaming!!! And so looking forward to the events of the next week or so!! Whoohooo!! J

on my mind this week:

  1. I love receiving Christmas cards and Christmas card magazines in the mail!!! Thanks everybody!! : )
  2. Always make sure to thoroughly read your Google HR e-mails, so you don't miss their non-extendable deadlines.
  3. I like bearded men and am obsessed with bearded ladies.
  4. Car service and I must be telepathically linked cause when I get tired, limos seem to magically appear to drive Miss Hazy.
  5. "That's just Michelle being Michelle." A very common phrase amongst my friends.
  6. my life felt a little like this this year…

Maybe 2007 will be like this…

7. Just a recap of last night's madness!!! : )

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