Saturday, August 2, 2008

August 2, 2008......Hot Mess – Mood: Raw

With real summer weather lacking, July’s summer fun had taken the form of a month long birthday party for yours truly. This year I turned thirty, so of course there was no other option than to celebrate this momentous occasion. July, I decided was gonna be the month to do it up, and to do it up proper; a final farewell to my twenties, which has been a decade of enduring challenges, valuable lessons, and enriching relationships.

Oh the parties.…..there was Reina’s birthday party with DJ Zita at Vessel. There was the Best of the East Bay Express party at the Oakland Museum with me, Liz, and Ryan, which was utter over the top over stimulating fun and included performances by Hottub, a breakdance competition, booths of every festival thing imaginable, and mysterious metaphysical elixir testing. There was the Hottub Addias store party and insanely fun impromptu jam session afterparty at Jen’s. Spent Bastille Day at Death Guild and hula hooped at Annie’s Social a week later. The Illiteracy It’s Pop It’s Art art show with the Miss Crew ladies, Gabriella, Liz, and Alex at the Gray Walls Gallery was good lady-bonding fun, followed by some outrageous behavior and hysterical dancing at July’s Bootybassment.

The CB2 Store opening party with Dan, Dee, Teddy, Adrian, Alex, Vince, Wheeler, and Arthur David was a really chill and happy event, felt like we were kickin’ it in someone’s very well lit living room.

Finally, there was my work event at the W. All the festivities have left me feeling good, but a little tired, and have been somewhat stressed, since I found out I have two cysts in one of my breasts, hopefully and probably non-cancerous, but won’t know more until I have the mammogram and sonogram next week. Interesting enough though, Dan F. is doing research on the aging process with worms and says in his lab findings; the microorganisms actually live longer when subjected to stressful environments cause their survival skills are forced into protective action. This theory is interesting, maybe with all the stress I will live to see 3 more dirtaaaay thirtaaaaay birthday parties!

On my mind this week:

1. Just got the memo: The amber colored wall art in Out the Door SF is actually panes of glass filled with honey. Who would have known…hmmm, I wonder if they ever get ants...

2. God is sushi. The Ritsu Roll at Blowfish Sushi TDF

Paula took me to Blowfish Sushi To Die For, and their Ritsu Roll was indeed TDF as was their oyster shooter in sake, and Peach Nympho Nigori sake cocktail. For dessert, we headed to Citizen Cake where we munched on a variety of sweet confections, my favorite of the bunch was the molasses ginger cookie, since I tend to have a Japanese palate (not partial to super sugary tastes).

3. My mom used to always say in the nineties, “Nirvana is playing, why don’t you go see them.”

I feel slightly nauseous when I watch this, only because this performance is so amazing, and I know I’ll never be able to experience what no longer exists.
Sigh, if only I had listened to my mother.

3. Um, these ladies rap in Tagalog, wtf can beat that?!!!

Hottub at the best of the East Bay Express party was off the hook, but even more of the hook was their show at the Adidas store party, Liz has that footage...

4. This reminds me, I’ll be in Vegas in just a couple weeks.


hehehehehe….I would like to eat these for breakfast tomorrow, and the next day, and the day after, and the day after that, just like I did the day before…


Not quite this pastel, but epic nevertheless. Thanks again to all my homies, Hottub and PJ Pooterhoots, and the Uptown for making my birthday party at Le Heat so damn awesome last week. I’m very happy to have made it to thirty, and feel so lucky to have such wonderful friends and family and multiple birthday luncheons, parties, and dinners. :)