Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Sex and the City....June 25, 2008 - Mood: Smoky

Over the past two months, my feet have tolerated the worst of vanity pains as my stiletto collection got reacquainted with the outside world. And this dizzying time in heels was spent doing the following activities: Dance – Bootybassment with the BB Crew, Deathguild and Type O Negative show with Colin; Birthdays – Gemma & Gia, Brandan, Aimee, Danny; Miscellaneous – O’Reilly’s Oyster Festival with Wes, Steve, Adrian and friends, All Night Mission Jazz Rave with Elizabeth, Derek, and the Frenchies, Laney flea excursions, Computer Rock, Ruben performing with Gamelan Sekar Jaya at Yerba Buena Gardens, and Faith and Kevin’s wedding. Joey’s birthday party at Heinold’s First and Last Chance in Jack London (the really really old bar with the slanted floor) was an uber fantastic day of a birthday bonding in custom made “Nards and Bewbs” pics of Joey t-shirts for the party. It included a group cheeseburger attack satiated by ¼ lb. Burger Express on San Pablo, me having to regulate once again on some fools….well that is, one geriatric fool in a very inappropriate booty shorts jogging suit trying to steal the ice cream cone birthday cupcakes, then attribute his greed for taking two of the dwindling cupcakes to a retarded girl. Cupcake nazi perhaps, but then again I am Rodney’s daughter.

I randomly saw the Olympic Torch, which is particularly strange cause I don’t do sports and would never even stop to think about Olympian sports, but that day before I went into work, I just somehow knew I would see it. Jesse and I were standing on a corner of Van Ness talking when I turned and there it was. And I’ve eaten some very decadent meals in the past two months as well. Visits to Waterbar, Two, Townhall, Paxti’s, Mocca, and then ate 2 delicious lobster sandwiches; a lobster roll at North Beach Lobster Shack and a lobster club at the Rotunda. Yes, the past couple months have been so full of decadent delights…which are of course my absolute favorite.

On my mind this week:

1. The strangest thing happened to me the other day, but then again, I’m really never surprised by what happens to me. So while walking out of the bus terminal, and minding my own business of course, a homeless man lifted his leg and slowly nudged/kicked me with his foot. Stunned and speechless, I went about my commute.

2. Errico, the club is just not the same without you.

3. Sex and the City. You must go see the new Sex and the City movie if you haven’t done so already. The script is consistently funny, the story line is predictable, but capturing, and Patricia Field’s styling skills are stronger than ever.

4. Sex and fiction are most inspirational.

5. Sexless genius is irreplaceable. R.I.P YSL. Yves Saint Laurent, my favorite fashion designer of all time, died at the beginning of the month in Paris. The world of fashion has suffered a terrible artistic loss. Yves Saint Laurent, master of the modern cut, keeper of class. We are only so lucky to have his legacy.

6. “Don’t touch them, they’re Chanel.”
He,he,he, funny, Miss M.Editrix has said that one a few times...

7. And what is fashion without sex and what is sex without fashion?
8. But sexual tension and fashion is the best.